Tuesday, January 24, 2017




Color Story Mood Board Assignment Due 2/2/2017

Creating the Color Story Mood Board...
  1. Think of a mood/theme name and write it down (sometimes its ok to start with more than one)
  2. Using the mood/theme name you have selected, find images to support that mood.
  3.  You can use search and save pictures to your flash drive, or you can cut them out of magazines.  This can also be created in PhotoShop.
  4. Go to www.colourlovers.com. Sign up
  5. There are three ways to create a color palette. (You can also create a palette with colored paint chips from any hardware store)
  6. Print all of your images in color. You can use your own color printer or you can get them done at Staples for 15 cents a page. (or Reach out to Design teachers to use new color printer)
  7. All your images, with your color swatches need to be presented on a  11x14 board
  8. Bring in all images, board, scissors and glue on Thursday 1/26/2017 to work on in class.
  9. This assignment will be presented Thursday 2/2/2017


Image result for color mood boards
Image result for color mood boards

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